Village of Spectres

The picturesque village of Verdley in Sussex is plagued with ghosts, now on the move. With the deaths of an increasing number of the living, can a group of amateurs, the clergy and the students rid the village of danger?

At the centre of the story is Chris Elliot, an amateur ghost-hunter and his friend, a retired firefighter called Murray Davey. They make an unlikely alliance with a team of professionals and students from Goldsmith’s College in London and the local vicar.

The team fight the village’s blue and green spectres before tackling the red and the dangerous white ghosts. The Police, are dumbfounded by what is going on, but decide, in the absence of any other leads, to allow the team access to crime scenes and humour their ideas… only to find that they are dealing with the supernatural.

Can the team identify the culprit of the ghostly activity – the most dangerous of the Verdley spectres?

Cover of the Village of Spectres

Thom Poole creates a story of intrigue and terror based on an original idea that spectres are classified by colour – each colour denoting how dangerous they are to the living.

This was Thom’s first book, signalling his ability to tell a compelling story that holds the attention of the audience and causes them to think.

Thom is a professional marketer (and therefore storyteller) and trainer who has gone onto write over 70 books – mainly on business and marketing topics. This was the first of his novels, and he has since written another 3.